The International Scientific Conference "Preventive Cardiology 2016" will be held by the National Medical Society of Preventive Cardiology in Moscow on 15 -16 June 2016 (VDNKh, building №75).
The acceptance of the abstracts will be extended until 10 April 2016.
The Informational letter
15th -16th of June 2016 in Moscow
Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the international scientific conference "Preventive Cardiology 2016", which will be held by the National Society of Preventive Cardiology with the support of the Moscow Healthcare Department. The event will be held on 15 -16 June 2016 in Moscow at the Exhibition Center of Economic Achievements, Pavilion number 75 (Metrostation VDNKh, 5 min walk).
Main scientific directions of the Conference.
The program of the scientific conference includes plenary sessions, scientific symposias, satellite symposia, workshops and poster presentations. The Conference will take place concurrently in several halls/rooms.
Within a framework of the Conference is conducted the Young Scientists Contest, which winners will be awarded by valuable prizes.
The Conference program will be available in the beginning of the May 2016 on following websites www.с, and
The information about the event is available on the websites,,, on the websites of our media partners, as well as in the Journals "Kardiologia"and "Kardiovasculyarnaya terapiya i profilaktika."
Forms/Ways to participate in the Conference
Guest speaker
Oral presentation. Abstracts submission is required. The duration of the presentation - 15 -
20 minutes. Demonstration material should be prepared in the format of PowerPoint.
Poster presentation. Abstracts submission is required.
Rules for poster presentations:
Poster size: 90 cm horizontally and 110-150 cm vertically, including the title.
Sections of the poster: title, list of authors (last name of the reporter should underscored), the institution; a brief introduction and purpose, material and methods of the research; results
(possibly with illustrations: drawings, graphs, tables); conclusions.
The name, list of the authors and a summary of the research should be presented in two languages - Russian and English. Within a framework of the poster sessions the expert commission will select and award the authors of the best poster presentations.
Abstract submission rules and guidelines
Each file should contain only one abstract. The file title, under which work will be saved, should be documented according to the following rule: last name and initials of the first author, name of the location/settlement, the serial number of the work. For example, IvanovIIMoscow1 for one (the first) work and IvanovIIMoskva2 for a second work. The file name should be in Russian letters without any whitespaces.
In the e-mail message field "Subject" need to be indicated the type of message, last name and initials of the first author (or an abbreviation of the organization), name of the location/settlement, number of works in the message (Example: ThesesIvanovIAMoscow1, ThesesIvanovIAMoscow2).
ATTENTION! A file with information about the contact person (title of the abstracts, names of the authors, institution, city, country, full name one of the authors for contact, his(her) address, phone and fax number, e-mail) must be attached to the abstracts file. If the abstracts and documents are submitted in violating of requirements specified in abovementioned rules, sent by fax and/or by post, the Organizing Committee shall be entitled to waive them without any notice. .
An example for documenting the abstracts:
Miocardial Infarction in infective endocarditis (do not put the period)
Ivanov I.I., Petrov P.P., Sidorov S.S.
The National Research Center for Preventive Medicine, Moscow (do not put the period)
ATTENTION! The abstracts should be submitted to the Organizing Committee before 10 April 2016
Publication of the abstracts
The abstracts are reviewed and accepted for further publication by independent experts only in case of the positive review. The results of the review being reported to the authors.
The abstracts publication fee should be transferred to the account of the Society before 10 May 2016 after receiving the confirmation from the Organizing Committee of the acceptance of materials for publication. Confirmation will be sent to your e-mail address.
The cost of the publication of one work - 300 rubles. The members of the Scientific Council of the National Medical Society of Preventive Cardiology, the chairmen of all the symposiums and participants of the Conference of Young Scientists Contest are exempted from paying the publication fee.
ATTENTION! Postal money transfers are not accepted as a payment!
The details for the money transfer pursuit for the publication will be presented on the website
Young Scientists Contest
A competition designed for abstract presenters 35 years old or under. The author (without coauthors) represents only one work, which should be sent to the Organizing Committee before 10 April 2016 with a mark "For Young Scientists Contest". It is necessary to attach the following documents:
scanned copy of the passport
the contests work (article up to 6 pages, 1,5 line spacing, with no bibliography)
the theses of contests work (for inclusion in the collection of scientific papers)
author information (name, place of employment, research aria/interests, address, telephone number, e-mail)
referral of the institution (scanned copy)
recommendation of the research supervisor (the scanned copy)
Each of the presented work will be reviewed separately by each of three experts. The results of review will be published on the website no later than 10 May 2016. Finalists of Young Scientists Contest have an opportunity of oral presentation (performance time up to 10 minutes).
For our partners
For the pharmaceutical and the medical equipment industry representatives will be organized:
- Exhibition of pharmaceuticals/drugs, modern medical equipment, specialized publications, medical devices for doctors and medical workers in the days of the Conference (15-16 June 2016);
- Satellite symposiums
From the experience of previous years expected number of participants - 1000 1500 persons;
The applications for participation in the scientific program, exhibitions and in advertizing in the official
materials of the Conference should be sent to the Organizing Committee e-mail address. The ways of participation in the Conference you can discuss with the responsible Secretary of the Conference before 10 April 2016.
Address of the Organizing Committee: The National Research Center for Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation; 101000,
Moscow, Petroverigsky Lane., 10; off. 247.
Telephone /fax number +7 (499) 553 69 32; e-mail:
The Responsible Secretary of the Conference – Ausheva Аzа Kambulatovna;
Phone: +7 915 284 19 40;