On June 5-6 2018 the XI International Conference "PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY 2018" organized by the National society of preventive cardiology was held in Moscow. This Conference has long been a good tradition - last year we celebrated its tenth anniversary. The Conference was held under the auspices of Ministry of Healthcare of the Russian Federation and the Moscow Department of Healthcare. The Conference was also supported by other professional communities – the Russian Society of Cardiology, the Russian Scientific Medical Society of Therapists and the National Atherosclerosis Society.
Among those who gave a welcoming speech at the Conference opening were the first Deputy Chairman of Committee on health protection of State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences N.F. Gerasimenko; Deputy Head of the Moscow Department of Healthcare E.Y. Khavkina; Chairman of Committee for Healthcare and Public Health Protection of the Moscow City Duma L.V. Stebenkova; the Moscow City Duma Deputy, Chairman of the chief physicians Board of the Moscow Department of Healthcare I.A. Nazarova, Moscow City Duma Deputy V.R. Shastina; chief specialist for preventive medicine of the Russian Ministry of Healthcare, General Director of the FSBI NMRC of Cardiology of the Russian Ministry of Healthcare, corresponding member of RAS S.A. Boytsov. The Deputy Director of the Department of medical care organization and health resort of the Russia healthcare Ministry E.K. Vergazova combined the welcome speech with an excellent report on current state of preventive care in Russian Federation.
The Conference covered an extremely wide range of issues related to cardiovascular diseases prevention and treatment. The latest digital and telemedicine technologies, cardiooncology and genetics, psychological aspects of heart diseases and communication issues between doctor and patient and important issues of sports cardiology were discussed. A key place in the scientific program was devoted to the presentation of new National recommendations on cardiovascular prevention, which were devoted two special symposiums and also a report in the plenary meeting. It should be noted that the issues discussed covered various medical care aspects for patients of all age groups – from children to 80+, and in all these categories high technology and relatively simple and inexpensive preventive interventions were considered.
Throughout the all years that the Conference has been held, the interest of the international community in it remains. This year three reports of international experts were included in the scientific program of the Conference. Professor Friedrich Köhler from the world-renowned Berlin clinic Charite, who spoke about the telemedicine possibilities in heart failure, Professor Ian Bruthans from Charles University in Prague and Professor Piotr Jankowski from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. The last two experts spoke about the experience of treatment and secondary prevention of cardiovascular diseases in their countries. The opportunity to experience exchange at the international level is truly invaluable, because we all deal with the same problems, with all the many local features of health systems, differences in cultures, traditions, habits of people from different countries and even genetic characteristics.
The XI International conference "PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY 2018" was attended by about 70 speakers, among whom were such famous domestic specialists as S.A. Boytsov, R.G. Oganov, N.V. Pogosova, O.M. Drapkina, V.A. Tutelian, M.V. Shestakova, Y.M. Pozdnyakov, E.Y. Vasilieva, G.P. Arutyunov, A.V. Starodubova, D.B. Nikityuk, S.T. Matskeplishvili, Y.A. Vasyuk, S.A. Shalnova, S.Y. Martsevich, M.G. Glezer, M.B. Antsiferov, O.S. Oynotkinova, A.L. Vertkin, V. A. Badtieva, T. A. Knyazeva and others.
The Conference extensive scientific program, which included symposiums, round tables, master classes, clinical seminars, poster presentations, was fully implemented.
Within the frameworks of the Conference, an exhibition was organized with the participation of more than 20 exhibitors, including manufacturers of medical equipment and medicines, as well as medical publishers and information partners of the Conference.
As always, within frameworks of the Conference poster session and an expert Commission of the Competition for the best poster presentation in the part of the Professor I.V. Osipova, MD N.P. Kutishenko and PhD O.Y. Sokolova was actively working. The winners of the Competition for the best poster presentation became who took first place S.N. Tolpigina (Moscow), V.A. Shumkov from St. Petersburg (second place) and dividing among themselves the third place O.V. Izmailova (Moscow) and O.V. Pushkareva (Tver). This year"s Competition had one distinctive feature: in contrast to the previous years, when the expert Committee identified and awarded only a common top three, this year the jury tried to note also the most important works in each of the two days. On the first day of the Conference, very young researchers – V.Y. Duminskiy from Tula and M.G. Brynza from Kirov, who are still studying at medical Universities, received incentive prizes for a promising start. On the second day, O.V. Kozhevnikova who presented a study on the prevalence of risk factors in schoolchildren became such a leader.
In total, the Conference was attended by about 1,000 specialists, most of whom received 12 educational loans.
Organizing Committee of the XI International conference "PREVENTIVE CARDIOLOGY 2018" expresses the hope that the Conference will contribute to further improvement in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in our country.